The knowledge of symptoms indicating an infection of the human body of parasites, allows you to start the treatment in a timely manner, has not yet come-general of the poisoning and the horrible consequences in the form of obstruction, irreversible organs of digestion, of respiration, of hematopoiesis. Every year, parasitic infections in the world that is invisible to the statistics of marc goes into another world, more than 1 ml of people. Today, the health of the man depends on his personal activities. If appear signs of intoxication incomprehensible etiology, insist on the modern methods of diagnosis of the presence of parasites and immediate for the conduct of the treatment.

How to identify parasites in the body of the man, if today the analysis of cala is not considered as mandatory research even before the hospitalization in the department of allergy! Only characteristic symptoms indicating an infection in addition to a organ of the body and poisoning: all of a sudden, produce vomiting, diarrhea, allergies, hives, rhinitis, as well as the sudden cutting pains in the GASTROINTESTINAL organs and the head. The impact of parasites on the body depends on the location of the habitat and many others. Some cause dangerous illnesses and can quickly lead to death, others gradually degrade the quality of life, by poisoning the body, taking the strength and the health. Urgently to the doctor, because procrastination is a dangerous treatment of serious complications, such as meningitis, sepsis, peritonitis of the intestines, nervous system.
What is the parasite?
A parasite is a living organism by another, larger, body. At the place of location of the institute, living on a person from the outside, and endoparasites, infect it from the inside. Composition of species of parasites may be viruses, bacteria, worms, insects and even vertebrates. The parasites is not something natural. On the contrary, until the scientists have not become aware of what it is and where they come from, people get infected all the time and this was one of the reasons of the low life 1 – 2-century. Indeed, many of the parasites fatal, and in some cases, the life can save only qualified medical intervention. In others, the disease can last decades, so that the parasites cleverly disguised as other diseases, healed who cannot, and until that will not be solved their real cause.
The parasites can live in the person of
People far from medicine, believe the parasites residing in the body of man, exclusively a different kind of earthworms. Meanwhile, there are more than 300 species of parasites, micro-and macro-organisms, theft from cells of human of nutrients, depleting the integrity of the wall of blood vessels, lymph vessels and organs of the poison the blood. And most of their species quietly and be self-sufficient coexist when sharing the habitat. Do not interfere mutually devour the flesh and blood of man, several times, increasing his painful state of health. Therefore, during the identification of the for worms should always perform analyses of the presence of pathogens in the most simple micro-organisms.
The endogenous "predators" amongst the parasites of man are the most dangerous:
- Amoeba: dizenterina, intestinal, Nigeria, acanthameba.
- Trichomonas: intestinal, vaginal.
- Giardia.
- Trypanosoma: Cruz, Rhodesian, The gambia.
- Leishmania: donovani, tropical.
- ʙalantidij.
- The toxoplasma.
- Periplasmic.
- Plasmodium malariques.
- Babesia.
- Ichthyophthirius.
- Gills: liver, lung, chinese, cat-like, lanceolate.
- Fasciolopsis.
- The moat egipetskaya.
- Metagonimus.
- Shistosoma (the moat).
- Lantecy wide.
- Taenia: rat, dog (rarely).
- Dwarf, porcine, bovine, asian, brain.
- The tapeworm.
- In the alveoli.
- Ascaris.
- The pinworms.
- Toxocara (dog).
- Whipworms.
- Ugritsy intestinal.
- The hookworms.
- To Of Guinea-Worm Disease.
- :: Trichinella.
- Brugia, Wuchereria.Loa-Loa.
- Of onchocerca D'.
- Angiostrongylus.

It is a small part of the list of parasites that live on the globe, threatening diseases of the brain, organs of digestion, circulation, lesions in the nervous system, hormonal, of reproduction, of all the other systems of the body.
The path of the infection
Vectors of many parasites (and hosts) are birds, rodents, flies, horseflies, mosquitoes. Domestic and wild animals, fish. The main source of the parasitic infection is a sick man, with secretions of which the parasites disperse in the soil, water courses, water bodies, air space.
How does the transfer:
- The way (through the GASTROINTESTINAL tract), you can get parasites from contaminated water, food products, neglecting the business of public health and hygiene of their processing. And if I do not rinse the vegetables of the vegetable garden, SIP of water when swimming in the river. Eat a half-cooked kebab, sushi fish in the river (and enters the body of many intestinal protozoa and helminthes).
- Home contact can be, if not quite often to wash hands. With the money, the guard in the facilities, grab bars in the transport, toys, household items. Or through the handshake, a kiss with an infected person. After contact with sick animals (means of implementation of almost all of the parasites).
- Are transmitted (through blood) to the pathogens of the larvae and the parasites enter the body after the bite of the tsetse fly, mosquito, tick, of the fowl, of the animal.
- Percutaneous infection occurs when the introduction of larvae of parasites in the tissues of the mucous membranes and through the skin (anistropy, Sistemi).
- Aerogenic type of infection occurs by inhalation of the eggs of parasites (for example, a cyst hydatid).
- Transplacental way – the transmission of parasites baby (nematodes, Toxoplasma).
- Through sexual contact are transmitted Trypanosoma trichomonas.
- Transfusiona transmission during operations in a hospital through the badly treated by tools.
The major factors conditioning the increase of the growth zarahemla people parasites, are: the lack of personal hygiene, the mass consumption of poorly treated, the food and water, later, the call to physicians, the lack of a medical examination.
The symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body of the man
Secrete the general signs of infection, and specific place of localization of the pathogens of micro-and macro-organisms. The parasites are:
- By (affecting the cells). For example, Toxoplasmaet, leishmania, plasmodium.
- Abdominal: living in the cavities of the gut, lungs, genito-urinary and other organs. Taenia, pinworm, hookworm, roundworm, lantecy, whipworm.
- Fabric: living in the lymph, the blood (of the haemosporida, microfilariae, Trypanosoma). In the muscles striated (trichina, sporidia). In the tissues of the brain (Toxoplasmaet, the larvae of helminths bands, Trypanosoma) and nerve fibers.
This classification is rather arbitrary, since many parasites are continually on the move, in dplaant on various tissues and organs. The common events of the invasion are the following:

- dyspeptic of the offence: diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, constipation, GASTROINTESTINAL pain;
- the allergic manifestations: rhinitis, skin rash;
- the pain in the muscles, joints;
- the emergence of papillom, condyloma, lipogranulomas, fibrous neoplasms;
- weight loss or weight gain;
- nervous system disorders: excitability (or phlegme), irritability (apathy, insomnia;
- bruxism (during sleep involuntary graters tight teeth);
- decreased immunity, expressed in coordinated colds.
The parasites are also pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi causing infectious diseases. In the event of contamination observed common signs of a high fever, sore throat, the head, the stomach, the runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and other.
How to detect the presence of parasites
When the defeat of this or of any other organ and tissue is dominated by the distinctive signs.
In the intestine
The place most favorable for the life of parasites: the humidity is high, the temperature is hot, the PH in the neutral environment. The symptoms of lesions of the intestine:
- constipation;
- diarrhea;
- flatulence;
- obstruction of the intestine;
- pain of spasmodic type, abdominal pain;
- a reduction of the mass of the body;
- vomiting;
- nervousness;
- the absence (or increase) of appetite.
The man to overcome impotence, fatigue, reluctance to move.
In the stomach
When the parasitic infestation are marked with the following signs:
- nausea;
- belching;
- salivation;
- the severity and the bursting of the stomach;
- diarrhea;
- bleeding during bowel movements;
- itching in the region of the anal due to pinworms;
- cough due to irritation neuroreceptors in the stomach.
When intestinal price, can be the separation of the sputum with blood fractions.
In the liver

- the pain in the area of the right hypochondrium;
- belching;
- nausea;
- hypersensitivity, urticaria;
- the yellowing of the sclera, mucous membranes of the mouth and of the skin;
- the loss of the hair follicles;
- weakness;
- irritability;
- the anaemia.
There is expressed the swelling of the legs, the belly.
In the blood
Distinctive symptoms:
- fever;
- seal, increased pain lymph node;
- a rash on the body;
- dizziness, pain in the head;
- thirst;
- lethargy, drowsiness,
- dyspnea;
- disorders of the circulation, expressed in the numbness and coldness of the extremities.
Necessarily anemia, as many parasites destroy red blood cells.
When the defeat of the heart
There are always signs, lung and heart failure.
- cough;
- dyspnea;
- the nervousness, the fear;
- weakness;
- the pain in the chest;
- arrhythmia, bradycardia;
- the temperature, fever alternating with chills;
- the swings of HELL;
- the perspiration;
- the paleness of the face, the neck;
- the anaemia.
There are signs of hypoxia: cyanosis of the skin of the fingertips, nasolabial triangle and the mucous membranes of the mouth.
In the lungs
The characteristic symptoms:
- dyspnea;
- difficulty breathing;
- the attacks of night cough dry;
- asthmatic bronchospasm;
- the allergic rhinitis, the sneezing;
- the pain in the chest;
- pulse rapid;
- nausea.

Perhaps the branch lean foaming sputum with blood cells.
Under the skin
External symptoms:
- itchy red small eruption, the large swollen blisters on the pidermes;
- ulcerations, boils, warts, eczema;
- fever;
- night sweats;
- dense mobile of granulomas, areas of the skin;
- the anaemia.
Often develops a cough, runny nose.
In the eyes
Distinctive symptoms:
- the inflammation of the conjunctiva, accompanied by a sensation of burning and itching;
- the pain in the eyes and pain when moving the eyes from side to side, up;
- fly flies, footy tricks in front of the eyes;
- the dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
- blurring of vision objects, the duplication of effort;
- headache, dizziness;
- swelling of the eyelids;
- the blue under the eyes.
Characteristics of worm infestation
Worm infestations is considered as the whole group of diseases are parasites of various types. When entering the body, either voluntarily or in a random manner, many of the helminth parasites destroy the bodies in which they live and move. Therefore, the diseases, called parasitic.
The worms have hooks suction cup, with them, they are strengthened in the chosen location. These indices cause injuries and bleeding of the mucous membranes. The larvae move about in the tissues of the body, pass into other bodies, live in places. They can reach any organ of the life. Thus occurs a transition to the intestine, which was originally found most of the pathogens, the blood vessels in the liver, the lungs, the brain, the heart. Let's look at what is the action of the parasites on the body, what symptoms to causes alien to the presence of the man.
Syndrome of stomach and intestinal discomfort
Many helminths a permanent place of habitat in the body choose the different departments of the digestive system. They disrupt its natural functions. Among the danger signs of worms:
- bloating and flatulence;
- the constant of the gravity and pain in different parts of the GI;
- periodic colic;
- large inclusions in kalovyh weights.
The irritable bowel syndrome frequent satellite of the presence of helminths.
The flow of bile

The overlap of the bile ducts major parasite slows down its results and may be a mechanical cause for jaundice. These cases require a surgical treatment.
Constipation and diarrhea
Violations of the chair are a symptom of worm infestation. Strong diarrhea alternating with constipation, which is not linked to the consumption of bad food or a bad food. The intersections of the plots of the intestine, the accumulation of parasites occur mechanical constipation. Assistance: the details of the selection of some de-worming lead to disorders in the metabolism of sodium and chlorides, which leads to diarrhea.
The livelihoods of parasites can cause a violation of the intestinal flora. Often, however, signs of dysbiosis are imaginary, cure, the state of the reception traditional probiotic is impossible.
The decrease of immunity
Taking support of the lion's share of nutrients, helminths disturb the protective function of the immune system. They weaken the body, because of this, man becomes easy prey to infectious diseases, respiratory, intestinal, weakened muscular-the muscular system, alteration of the function of the heart and other organs.
The Appearance of pain in muscles and joints
At the arrival in the muscle tissues, parasites are capable of causing pain and the pain in the joints and surrounding tissues. Often there are pockets and signs of arthritis. In response to the presence of worms in the body produces auto-antibodies that cause the destruction of healthy tissue.
The fluctuations of the mass of the body
The presence of parasites can cause weight loss due to the lack of power for the normal functioning of the body. Often, in humans, it has been observed a growth of the mass of the body, so that many experience hunger and struggle to catch up the lost nutrients. Constant weight fluctuations – satellite of infection by parasites.
Due to the presence of helminths and anemia – the lack in the hemoglobin of the blood. This is the result not only of the loss of blood from the damage of the mucous membranes cupping and worms, but of the violation of the synthesis of substances involved in hematopoiesis. Ulceration of the mucous membrane does not absorb the nutrients that are essential for the synthesis of red blood cells and other elements of blood.
Signs of a lack of vitamins develop in the bodies of all the infected. The violation of work GIT does not allow to assimilate fully the same a great part of fate to the power of helminths.
Sleep disorders and nervousness
Alien presence in the body of the instrument all natural processes. The toxins are poisonous, have an impact on the psycho-emotional. Because of the poisoning affected the nervous system, the brain, the man becomes restless, is constantly "on the edge", the excitement was replaced by apathy.
Chronic fatigue
The syndrome of constant tiredness is the consequence of the intoxication. The media falls on the operation, the interest in life, even in the day, it is difficult to get together and do the necessary work. The cognitive ability to fall particularly difficult, it affects the growth of the body of the child.
The cancer
A global impairment of the body and damage to specific organs may trigger the development of cancer. The loss of immunity, intoxication by dangerous substances produced infested continued tension of the nervous system may lead to the development of the institute.
The differences in symptoms among children and adults
The main signs of development worm infestation in the body are the same for people of any age. In children, there are some characteristics, which are determined by the development insufficiency of the immune system and make the infection more dangerous than in adults. Children are more often exposed to infection by helminths. This occurs for the following reasons:
- The weakness and imperfection of the immune system;
- The lack developed skills in hygiene;
- More frequent and unwise contact with animals, the earth (particularly dangerous game in the sandbox), the peers.

Children are infected more often pinworms, Ascaris, Toxocara. In the development of helminth-there are additional symptoms that do not exist in adults:
- The most strong allergic reactions and symptoms of intoxication of the organism. The time to identify the parasites, it is often impossible. Often develops atopic dermatitis.
- Dysbacteriosis, which develops very quickly. When the first signs of the microflora the child has a need to organize a test for the presence of parasites.
- The slowdown in growth. An adult loses weight, and the baby continues to grow normally.
- Lethargy or irritability, frequent the whims and tears.
- A delay of psycho-emotional and mental. The child is the worst learns, begins to fall behind his peers, not only in growth, but also in the development. This is particularly visible in young children.
Diagnose and cure it of any parasitic infections in children is necessary in the shortest possible time, in order for the child to the normal development and he is not turned from his peers.
Allergic reactions
In the framework of the life helminths secrete substances that poison the body and lead to a variety of allergic reactions. Especially a lot of toxins is released in the time of the moulting of the parasite. The foreign substances are treated by the immune system, as dangerous to the body, and cause the production of immunoglobulin E, which is the sign of an allergy. Skin rashes have a different character, difficult to treat. Get rid of them without the destruction of helminths in the body impossible. Allergies can have the character of the cough, breathing trouble, and the system.
Skin problems, acne
By taking the body of the nutrients, the parasites cause a lack of vitamins, trace elements. This leads to a dermatitis, the lack of moisture of the skin. Also disrupted the work of the sebaceous glands in the body, the result of which appears acne, boils. Often a deterioration of the condition of the skin is one of the signs of the presence of helminths.
And yet this scourge of the man are regarded as bugs, they are a parasitic mode of life, settled next to a man and feed on his blood. The bites of bed bugs may appear painful irritation and itching. Parasites disguised under thousands of diseases, thus to visually determine, without a laboratory research of the impossible. The healing period depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis and the detection of the parasite at an early stage of the infection.
You can not take medication without permission of your doctor. All the drugs used for the destruction of parasitic protozoa and worms are toxic not only to themselves but also to the liver of man.
The de-worming treatment
The choice of drugs preferably cause drug wide spectrum of action. The medicines extensive deprive the worms of the absorption capacity of the nutrients, destroy the cells. Destroy the ascaris, pinworms, larvae, tapeworms, other parasites. Used for the treatment of teniasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, ascariasis. As well as trihozefaleza and echinoccosis, eliminate hookworm, pinworm, whipworm, roundworm, Toxoplasma, necator. Doctors choose the medication according to the two criteria of safety for people: drugs, depriving the parasites of the possibilities of feeding and metabolism is less harmful to the liver. And drugs, paralyzing the worms, they are more toxic act on the man. The self-medication pharmaceutical to a fall.
The traditional recipes
For the children, the women, infants, and pregnant women, the elderly more secure in the excretion of many parasites of the pest control means:

- Pear juice with the fruit pulp, the juice of carrot is recommended for the treatment of children. Drink 50 ml on an empty stomach one hour before meals of the week, 10 days.
- The pumpkin seeds. Chewing the raw seeds need an empty stomach, with a beautiful green skin (it is characterized by anthelmintic properties). The daily consumption of 250 to 400 g of seeds, after which, at the end of a few hours is necessary to drink a tablet of laxative. The duration of treatment of 3 to 5 days.
- Infusion from fresh products and crusts of granada. The mass of bark, 1 piece of fruit from the boiling water (250 ml), insist in a thermos for 1.5 hours. Filter. The dosage is an empty stomach, drink it every 4 hours, before bedtime – a laxative.
- The decoction of the bark of buckthorn. About 300 ml of water to 3 tablespoon of crushed raw materials. Boil on small fire of 15 minutes for 2 hours, drain. The standard for the day: 30 ml 5 times.
- The infusion of the flowers of tansy and wormwood. About 500 ml of water is taken to 3 tablespoon of mix powder dried inflorescences (or mass). Boil for 5 min, allow to cool. Filter. Accept not be more than 50 ml at a time, in the morning, at noon, in the evening, on an empty stomach, in a period of 5 days.
- Page of triad. Collecting dry powder of equal parts of absinthe, spices from the buds of cloves and tansy consume 1. c. 4 times fasting during the day, carefully as he has eaten, all washed down with clear water.
- Garlic. To clean the body of parasites you need every day, morning and night fasting to eat without salt and bread 2 – 4 cloves throughout the week.
- A former vermifuge the miracle of recipe: eating in the day, salted herring, and a large bulb. More until the evening, nothing to eat and drink. Helminths in the evening massively climb of the intestine in the feces to the outside.
- Ribobero + cognac. Unique and effective recipe from the soviet past: mix a cocktail of ingredients 50:50, drink of a dash in the place of the dinner. Hours up to 3 nights will all to. If this is not all, repeat the treatment a couple of evenings.
The parasites can not tolerate the red pepper, sorrel, that is why it is necessary to include in the diet as often as possible. That, and the treatment and prevention. In addition, in the process of treatment, you must exclude the menu of the day for sweet, fatty foods. As well as the oil, the milk, the product of the bakery, preserves and charcuterie.
Prevention measures
Today, virtually all of the parasites are delivered from foreign countries. During a trip in the tropical countries, make sure you consult a doctor in the choice of antiseptics. To prevent infection by parasites in domestic, you must comply with the rules of hygiene:
- Always wash your hands.
- Rinse the vegetables, the fruits of the boiling water.
- Do not eat half-cooked food stroganinu, steak with blood.
- Avoid the purchase of products and cooked dishes, with stalls, stands, tents.
- Do not swim in ponds, lakes, rivers.
- Do not walk barefoot on contaminated grass, the sand.
- Do not drink water from natural sources of running water.
- Do not let the children pet the aliens admitted, and come into contact with the marginal tax rate.
The parasites are permanent neighbours and companions of man. Often prevent infection can not. When the first symptoms of the distress of the body, you need to contact a professional for help. The early detection of infection by parasites will help to prevent serious organ damage. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!